We pay a lot attentaion to approch home-theatre installations in tis whole entity, because only when paying attention to all details, it is possible to unleash the whole technical and artistic essence.The following listing gives you an idea, what we mean by that.
The very beginn is to show you our understanding and competence regarding home-theatre installations, so you are welcome to experience our showrooms, where we presets several high-end installations with different pricings, designs, technics and concepts.
Based on the demonstration we setup a pre calculation, where the basic elements of your new home-theatre has been defined. In the following planning stage, we do a lot of 3D planning and room acoustics simulations to achieve a great planning, which meets your demandings.
Every home-theatre project is beeing completely installed by ourselves. We don't have to hire external workes, you will get our very own staff, which is perfect trained to build home-theatres - and you save a lot of money.
Right after our workers finished their job, we will send one of our technicians which will setup your home-theatre perfectly, using state-of-the-art measuring devices.
Sometimes people don't care about documentaion, but we think it's important to deliver detailed technical documentation, showing measurements, setting and password, to prove your home-theatre meets standards.
Sustainabilty is very important to us, so even at standard-level you enjoy a free 2-year onsite warranty and free replacements units. You can even upgrade your service-level to get regular maintenance as well as extended warranty and guaranteed maximum response times.